Lift Plans






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Kettle Bell Isometric Single Leg Dead Lift
T Bar Row (Close and Wide Grip)
Reeves Row
Pendlay Row
Pull Up (D Grip, Wide, Commando)
Cobra Single / Dbl Pull Down
Motor Cycle Row
Shut Gun Row
HS Row
Smith Machine Row
TRX Row (single / double)
TIB Pull Down
Seated D Grip Row
Pull Down Super Set w/ Rope
DB Row or Close Grip Hammer Row
Wheel Roll Outs


S1Pull Up Wide
S1Body Weight Mid Row
S1Kneeling High Pull Down (Bands or Cables)
S2Bend Over Barbell Row
S2Barbell Roll Out
S2Med Ball Slam
S3Barbell Row From Step
S3Wide Roll Out From Knees
S4Shut Gun Rown
S4Straight Arm Pull Down
S5London Bridge
S5Kneeling Single Arm High Row
S6One Arm Dumbell \ Kettle Bell Row (Rack Run)
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High Performance Mass

S1 (6 to 12 Rs, 4 to 4 Ss)Thib Lat Ab Strap Pull Down
S2 (6 to 12 Rs, 3 to 4 Ss)Lab Pull Down Asstd w/ Straight Arm P Down (thrust)
S3aSled: Low Pos Straight Arm Pull
S3bSled: Biceps Walk Back, Tense Eccentric
S3cSled: Lat Row, Torso Fwd
S3 rptSled: Repeat a, b, c to fail
S4 (4 to 6 Ss)Backwards Preacher w/ top & bott partials
S5 (4 to 6 Ss)Hammer Curl w/ Static Hold
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Station Exercise
T 01aFrench Press
T 01bSkull Crusher
T 01cClose Grip Press
T 02Rope Partials (top + bot + full)
T 032 mins of close grip p-ups
B 04aWrong Way Preacher
B 04bPreacher DBs
B 05Smash Curls (face bench)
B 06TRX Curls (palms in, palms out)
B 07aDB Incline Curl (elbows locked)
B 07bDB Curl Seated (elbows between legs)
B 07cDrag Curl (legs together)
B 08Crinkle Cable Curl (20 reps, drap A/R)
T 09aClose Grip Bench
T 09bMed Ball P Up, Supinaited P Up
T 09cDKs, DK Coffin Press to Fail
B 10aIncline Bench DB Curls Normal
B 10bIncline Bench DB Curls Wide
T 11aRope French Ext
T 11bRope Ext Elbows Locked
B & TBW Curls and Extensions
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0Barbell Concentric / Eccentric Pointing
1Rev EZ Curl (thumbs over top)
2Rag Hold
3Plate Pinch
4Pipe Roll
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1Hex Bar Shrug
2Hex Bar Shrug (Reeves)
3Eccentric Overload (Use Straps)
4Banded Shrugs (Dual or Unilateral)
5Gittleson Shrug (Landmine)
6Gittleson Shurg (DB or KB)
7D Grip Row
8Voyeur Cable Shrug
9Upright Row (Smith or Cable or DB)
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