Streak Analysis

All Time Data Insights

INDEX count910
DATETIME count910
CONSUMED count910
STREAK count910
STREAK max348.0

365 Day Insights

Shape of the 365 day sub set:(365, 5)

Current 365 day March max348.0
Current Streak348.0
Current Streak Date2024-12-14
Days from a new record0:00:00
The day we could break the record2024-12-14
Total treats in last 365 days4 or 1.10%
Days until next treat comes off1 days
2023-12-16 2.0A R I Z O N A concert. 2 treats
2023-12-30 2.0Journal Expirement
2023-12-31 9.0new years eve
2024-01-01 9.0new years day

Percent Treat Days in 365 Rolling Window

Percent Treat Graph

Date of this script execution 2024-12-23